
UN 2023 Water Conference - Virtual Side Event
Save the date: Thursday, March 23, 2023, 11am-12:45 pm EDT (3-4:45 pm UTC)
The Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Council in collaboration with Yoga in Daily Life USA and the International Day of Yoga Committee at the United Nations is hosting an on-line summit as part of the UN Water Conference 2023 and in honor of the United Nations decade dedicated to water. All are welcome to join!
Report of World Peace Tour to Uluru, Australia, April 2011
The seeds for the Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Council : Project for Reconciliation - Journey for Peace and Friendship Honouring the Ancient Culture and Living Wisdom of the Aboriginal Peoples of Australia April 17-27, 2011 were sown by Paramahans Swami Maheshwarananda in April 1995 more than 15 years ago in Queensland, Australia.
The International Conference on “Youth and Ethics Education”, Prague, Czech Republic
The international conference on "Youth and Ethics Education" organised by the Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Council and the Youth Union of Yoga in Daily Life started on Friday evening, 3rd Dec. 2010, with a "Colourful Concert" , a cultural programme that reflected different streams of contemporary and traditional spiritual music. On Friday, at the ceremonial opening was present Indian Ambassador D.P. Srivastava.
Planting World Peace Tree in "Children Village" in Novi Sad, Serbia, 2010
Today on a cold but bright winter day in Novi Sad, Serbia, Europe, His Holiness Vishwaguruji planted his 50th World Peace Tree in the park of an orphanage village in the city of Novi Sad.
Planting of Peace Tree in Belgrade, Serbia, 2010
His Holiness Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, together with the representative from the Indian Embassy Mr Naveen Saxena and Ms Danica Becanovic, Deputy of the Ministry of Environment planted a World Peace Tree on Friday, 26th November, in a beautiful park near river Sava in Belgrade, capital of Serbia, by the Statue of Mahatma Gandhiji.
Peace Tree planting in Bratislava, Slovakia, 2010
The festive peace meeting at the PEACE TREE in Bratislava, Slovakia in the Town District Bratislava - Nove Mesto, in the recreation area Kuchajda on Wednesday, October 6, 2010